ConnectingHope - About The Brand
ConnectingHope Mission
Featuring the most adorable and loveable characters and products. ConnectingHope wants to make you smile and make everyday your best day with cute characters with motivating lifestyles!

About ConnectingHope
Based in the heart of the USA, ConnectingHope is dedicated to spreading positivity, motivation, and good vibes through adorable characters. Our team of artists, designers, and curators believe in the power of positive hope and how it can help bring people together.
We believe in the ability of a creative, fulfilled mind to have an impact on daily behavior, outlook, and health. It's with this in mind that we create all of our custom designs or collaborate with some of the industry's most modern artists.
Hope is an active commitment and can lead to a more successful you, a better environment, and a richer life.
The positive power that our team has cultivated is what we call ConnectingHope - a channel to connect you to cute characters that can remind you what you can be and how you can have an effect on all those around you.