Personal Care Community

10 Tips On How To Improve Gum Health Quickly

by Izabela Kokoszka on Apr 16, 2024

10 Tips On How To Improve Gum Health Quickly

Get Better Gums Today!

When it comes to thinking about taking care of our oral health, we probably think about keeping our teeth clean and healthy. However healthy gums are just as important because without healthy gums our teeth are at risk. Gums hold the teeth securely in place, if they start to recede or loosen their hold on teeth, teeth can become damaged or fall out.

Healthy gums are easy to spot, they’ll look pale pink in color, be firm to the touch, and fit securely against the teeth. If you notice your gums looking red or swollen, bleeding upon brushing and flossing or receding from the teeth it’s important to visit the dentist to find out what’s causing health issues for the gums. To help prevent any problems with the gums follow these 10 steps below.

Brush Your Teeth Well

Brushing twice a day makes sure to clean away food particles and bacteria. Certain foods harbor bacteria which lead to gum disease, so if you’re currently experiencing gum issues brush your teeth after consuming sugary foods and drinks to prevent further damage.

Make sure you’re using a proper toothbrush made of soft bristles of varying heights to prevent irritation.

The Dencle Gum Care Toothbrush comes with features such as ultra fine bristles to precisely clean between hidden spaces in the teeth and gums. It has double layers of bristles, which vary in height, and three separate bristle sections to cover more areas.

Invest in an Electric Toothbrush

An electric toothbrush is popular for those suffering from gum disease. This is because it can better remove food particles and plaque with its spinning rotations and pulses. Electric toothbrushes are timed which make sure you’re brushing your teeth for long enough while not for too long either which can irritate the gums. Many electric toothbrushes have different settings which you can choose to your liking.

The smaller build of the bristle head helps navigate into smaller spaces while not applying too much pressure all over on sensitive gums. Some brands have a built in sensor which will tell you if too much pressure is being applied.

Overall electric toothbrushes are gentler than regular ones and those meant for gum health will come with sensors and be made of softer bristle fibers.

Flossing Teeth

Floss Daily

Flossing is the most important step for gum health. Tiny food particles get stuck at the bottom of the teeth and press against gums, building up plaque that can turn into gum disease. If a regular dental floss is too harsh on our teeth there are flosses made of softer fabrics. If you find flossing difficult using a flossing stick or Waterpik can be an easier alternative.

Stay Away from Tobacco

Tobacco deposits on the teeth as plaque and forms into tartar. Even if you don’t smoke cigarettes vapes still contain tobacco that will stick to teeth. All sorts of chemical are found in vapes that are just as harmful to the gums and all of its adverse effects aren’t know just yet.

Smokers don’t react as well to dental treatments as nonsmokers. This is because the gums are already weakened from tobacco exposure. The teeth and gums will take longer to recover after surgery and can take longer to heal even from minor injuries such as scrapes. Tobacco build up is hard to remove from teeth, even in dental cleaning.

The good news is that quitting tobacco will heal the gums and reverse damage.

Man stressed out

Manage Stress Levels

Stress causes you to clench your jaw or grind teeth at times. For nightly teeth grinding wearing a mouth guard helps. Constant teeth grinding will cause jaw pain, tooth pain, and headaches which will eventually lead to tooth enamel being worn away and teeth chipping or cracking.

Overall stress on the body leads to a variety of health issues since immunity is lowered. For the mouth this means bacteria can grow and target the teeth and gums, causing many oral problems.

Have Regular Teeth Cleanings at the Dentist

A deep cleaning at a dentist will help scrape off plaque and tartar that has been building up and can’t be brushed off with a toothbrush. Regular biannual cleanings are important because no matter how good off a job you do at home some plaque will be missed, especially in the back teeth and all their ridges.

A dentist will also make sure your gums and teeth are healthy and catch any issues early on.

Using Mouthwash

Use Mouthwash

There are several kinds of mouthwash that can help you in regards to gum health. Some help with gingivitis, reducing plaque, tartar control or a combination of these. In individuals with advanced gum disease they can be prescribed over the counter mouthwash.

Use products like Dencle's Travel Size Mouthwash, to have a fresh clean rinse for your gums.

Gum Stimulator

A gum stimulator works in a few ways to prevent gum disease. First off, as the name suggests it stimulates the gums. It works as a gentle massage for the gums to get blood flowing to them and fighting infections that might be brewing. If your gums are inflamed massaging also brings blood to fight it.

If you don’t have a gum stimulator you can also use your finger to apply pressure and wiggle around for a few seconds.

The soft pointed edge of the tool can get in between the gums and knock out plaque and tartar buildup. With its slender build it can be navigated to the back of the mouth and into hard to reach places. Apply the tool to the where teeth and gums meet and in between teeth for best results.

Lemons and Grapefruid

Eat a Healthy Diet

For healthy gums vitamin C is highly recommended as studies show it reduces gum disease. Eat foods high in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, bell peppers, papaya, and cantaloupe. You could also take supplements if needed but the vitamins ate better absorbed from foods containing vitamin C.

Avoiding sugary foods and drinks that lead to build up on the teeth and make for ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive. If you do have sugary foods and drinks have some water after to help clear it off the teeth.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water helps to brush off bacteria sitting on teeth. It also helps keep saliva levels up which keep the mouth moist at all times to cleanse bacteria. With dry mouth bacteria easily spreads through the mouth and can get in between the gums and teeth, causing Periodontal disease.

The fluoride found in water strengthens the teeth and gums. It’s found both in tap and bottled water.

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